Monday, 19 August 2013

Nederlands les

Belgium is divided into 4 parts: Dutch speaking part (Flanders), French speaking part (Wallonia), German speaking part and the capital Brussels with 80% of non-Belgians residents. As an EVS volunteer I had to take a course of language and due to the fact I work in Flanders I learn Dutch. I took the intensive course which lasts almost 2 months, every week day for 2 h 45 minutes. Sometimes it was too intensive but after it I really understand the language more and I even speak Dutch. I can count, spell, present myself in details, I learnt how to fill the administrative documents (in the library, ambulance, police...), how to ask someone to go out with me, to say if I feel pain anywhere in my body, the names of the foodstuffs, right-left and other directions, days in the week, months in the year and much more...Tomorrow and the day after I have final exams and with 50% positive answers, I am getting a diploma. With it I can take another, higher level of the language course. The final exam contains: grammar, listening, writing and speaking. I am not scared about the results because we were practicing a lot and I had homework every day.
So, here is some Nederlands:
Ik woon al drie manden in Belgie.
Elke dag ga ik naar de school in Turnhout.
`s Middags werk ik met kinderen.
Ik leer graag Nederlands.

Besides learning the language I hear around me all the time, the language school was a place where I met some nice people from all over the world: Dominican Republic, Argentina, Poland, Czech Republic, Cape Verde, Morocco, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, India, Taiwan. My class was multilingual which forced us to use Dutch to understand each others. I found out more about Islam religion, Taiwan letters - signs, Indian food, Iranian film, the life style in Argentina, fashion in Cape Verde and more. I will miss my class, dank u allen!